Korean Iron Girl

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No.1 Prostyle-catfight movie in the world. Korean Irongirl Match official home page


Korean Irongirl Match Se.3 - The Spirit of warrior Ep.1


This is the fighting spirit match by 4 trainees who aim at the supreme diva,
following the 'KOREAN IRONGIRL MATCH SEASON2 "W.in.D"!'

After the fierce tag-team match, Yeri and Juyon left W.in.D..
So W.in.D again recruited 4 trainees and trained them very hard,
which lead the four to just before signing the contract.

Including moves : Kudo Valentine, 619, F-5, Sidewalk slam, Pile driver
Argentine backbreaker, Body Slam, Suplex, Backdrop, Figure 4 leglock,
Sleeper hold, Swing neckbreaker....and So many moves!!

  • Cover image
  • 1st image
  • 2nd image
  • 3rd image
  • 4th image
  • 5th image
  • 6th image
Download Clip - Full match of EP.1
Full match of EP.1
  • Length : 50 mins
  • Price : $20.00 US


Download Clip - 1st match of Ep.1
1st match of Ep.1
  • Length : 26 mins
  • Price : $10.00 US


Download Clip - 2nd match of ep.1
2nd match of ep.1
  • Length : 20 mins
  • Price : $10.00 US



Copyright (c) Korean Iron Girl All rights reserved.